Museum Alive! Bloom Bash & Floral Arranging

Join us for The Columbus Museum's 2nd Annual Museum Alive! fundraiser celebrating The Columbus Museum on Tour! We invite all of our supporters and members of the community to enjoy the two-day festivities, to experience unique installations of art and flowers, to try your hand at floral arranging, and to raise a toast to the continued success of The Columbus Museum. A variety of original works by local and regional artists will be available for purchase during both events.
Bloom Bash - Friday, April 21 at 6PM
Tickets: $125 per person
A festive evening of food, flowers, and live music by NBC's The Voice singer Tanner Fussell. Take a tour of floral sculptures created by talented, local floral designers, artists, and special guests, based on their interpretation of art and historic objects from the Museum and Wynn House collections. Guests will vote for their favorite floral design and the winner will be announced during the party.
Floral Arranging Classes - Saturday, April 22 at 10AM or 2PM
Tickets: $80 per person
Explore the fundamentals of floral arranging in this interactive, outdoor class. The class will be in non-traditional design style using all organic and locally grown flowers sourced from Fields of Grace Flower Farm in Shiloh, GA. The classes will be led by Brianne Womack, Co-Founder of the Fields of Grace Flower Farm. Participants will take home their own, self-made floral centerpieces. All materials will be provided.
Optional Saturday Lunch from The Wynn House Available: $18 per Box Lunch
Served between 11:30 A.M. and 1:30 P.M.
Lunch includes a chicken salad croissant, fruit cup, chips, and a cookie.
A beverage table of sweet and unsweetened tea and iced water is also provided.
Buy your Museum Alive! raffle tickets for a chance to win one of THREE prizes! The grand prize is a stunning painting by American artist and designer, Jane Cooper. Raffle tickets are one for $50 or three for $100. The winner will be drawn at 7:30 P.M. on Friday, April 21 at Bloom Bash. Winners need not be present to win.
As the major annual fundraiser for the Museum, revenue raised from Museum Alive! makes it possible for the Museum to provide free access for everyone in our region to enjoy our collections and exhibitions of American art and regional historical artifacts, and to participate in our engaging and educational programs.