Rick loves interacting with the Museum staff and visitors. It is a pleasure to see the eyes of the guests, especially children, light up as they experience what the Museum has to offer. Rick also says he works with some of the most caring people he has ever met.
Title: Security Chief
Year Hired: 2013
Experience: U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class, ret.; facilities police sergeant, West Center Georgia Regional Hospital; Area Loss Prevention Manager, Parisians Department Stores; Director of Mall Security, Peachtree Mall
Education: Military Police School; Military Police Investigations School; Basic Non-commissioned Officer’s Course; Advanced Military Police Non-commissioned Officer’s Academy; Georgia Police Academy; American Military University
Email: rmcgowan@columbusmuseum.com
Phone: 706-748-2562 ext. 2140
Numerous Military metals/ribbons culminating with the Meritorious Service Medal upon retirement
Gold Recruiting Badge
New Recruiter of the Year for the Detroit Area, 1983
Honor Graduate Basic Non-commissioned Officer’s Course
Honor Graduate Georgia Police Academy
Loss Prevention Manager of the Year (Southeast), 2002